Hello World - UC Berkeley Computer Science Commencement Convocation Graduation Speech

May 20th 2001, Zellerbach Auditorium
by Minh T. Nguyen

There are two things I want you as a graduating computer scientist of this university to remember: First, you should be out there for the people who really need you the most, and that is the community around you. Second, I want you to remember your Cal spirit. Remember: Berkeley.

I am sure that over the years at Cal, people have asked you many times to fix their computers and even though installing someone's Ethernet card or removing a virus or burning MP3 songs to audio cds have absolutely nothing to do with the science that we studied in Soda Hall, people assume that we know everything about computers. Well, we might not know everything, but we sure know enough to help out so many people.

Go out there and help. Help your neighbor remove the virus and help your friend create the CD, but also go beyond that. Build a website for a non-profit organization or write an educational program for your little brother to understand the mathematical concept of Newton's method, or collect old computer parts from co-workers and re-assemble them for a child in your neighborhood.

If the economic slow-down has got you thinking that computer scientists are not in demand, think again. Remember that we are the people behind the technology that drives the world. We are still the experts whose knowledge defines how fast computing technology advances, the creators of the tools that biologists use to find cures, what pilots use to navigate or your mom uses to send email. Remember that we are graduating from the premier university whose computer science department is world-famous. The community needs us.

I also want you to remember Cal as a whole, not just as Soda Hall. Don't forget that there is actually a beautiful south side to this campus. Don't forget the excitement of Sproul Hall, or the majestic presence of Doe Library as you scrambled to your classes. Remember the fun you had in student activities you joined, and be proud that you are graduating today from an institution that countless others look to with awe. But above all, remember the spirit of Blue and Gold. Let me remind you students and also teach the family members and the friends in this audience the famous Cal song that I learned during one of my first days here at Cal. Are you ready to participate? Okay, here's how it goes:

I will ask you to give me a "C" and everyone will yell out loud "C". I will ask you to give me an "A" and everyone will yell out loud "A". I will ask you to give me a "L" and everyone will yell out loud "L". Now I will ask you those three letters three times, and then, I will ask you three questions to which everyone will answer with a big loud "Cal" and we all end together with "Gooooooo Beeeaarrss!". Ready?

Alright, let's start with a whispering voice:

Everyone give me a "C" - C
Everyone give me an "A" - A
Everyone give me an "L" - L

Now, with a speaking voice:

Everyone give me a "C" - C
Everyone give me an "A" - A
Everyone give me an "L" - L

And now as loud as you can:

Everyone give me a "C" - C
Everyone give me an "A" - A
Everyone give me an "L" - L

What does this spell? Cal

Who are we? Cal

Who's gonna win? Cal

Gooooooooooooooooo Beeeeeeears!

Thank you very much.